Continuing our global efforts to provide opportunities to young students to learn STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), HARMAN India has renewed its partnership with Christel House, a non-profit school that is transforming lives of impoverished children around the world – breaking the cycle of poverty and building self-sufficient, contributing members of society.
Since the beginning of our partnership last year, we have worked with the organization to serve young
girls who come from families that are severely lacking in resources. Part of HARMAN Inspired- our cause initiative, the support also includes regular healthcare, nutritious meals, guidance counselling, career planning, family assistance, college and careers support to these young students
According to the report shared by the school, students benefitting from HARMAN's contribution have shown tremendous academic and social growth. Apart from securing high grades, the students gained valuable life experiences through health and fitness programs, travel and art projects. In a bid to instill confidence and develop early leadership skills, the school also organized special student council elections, helping the future leaders learn the art of campaigning and mobilizing opinions.
“It gives us great pride to see the exemplary growth shown by these promising young students and strengthens our resolve to continue providing the support. India is a treasure trove of raw talent, all that's needed is a spark of opportunity to light the flame of curiosity. We are happy to extend our partnership with Christel House this year again as they are doing phenomenal work with their holistic learning program and special focus on STEM." Said Pradeep Chaudhry, Country Manager- HARMAN India.
As a connected technologies company, HARMAN is passionate about advancing the STEM education arena and bringing our technology expertise, resources and inventive drive to young people across the globe. With their path breaking work in delivering relevant STEM Skills training along with tools to help students develop a holistic personality, we hope for a long term partnership with Christel House in the years to come.